Thursday, January 13, 2011


There is a tea shop at almost every street corner in most parts of Chennai. These shops open at around 4am or even before and sales start almost immediately. And they close down at min 11pm I guess.
Taking a closer glance, you will come to realise that atleast 60% of these tea stalls are run by malayalees.I have not done a research to arrive at this number.It is just a guess from my observation.

I am not a frequent visitor to these stalls but since i've been in chennai for so long,I've noticed it quite often.Most tea shops are brightly coloured.And I have noticed that their walls are all tiled.this concept is quite interesting and I have noticed that atleast 95% of them have brightly coloured tiled walls.

Very few women visit these tea stalls.Its usually the men who are frequent visitors there. From old, retired men to young corporates, there is room for all. the older men usually sit outside the shop with the day's newspaper and the moment they have company, a hot discussion sets off.Its usually about the government and probably goes off in different tangents.

A good number (I dont have a %age count here) of these tea shops have a juice corner attached to it too.You will also definitely get some kind of eats.Biscuits,buns are common stuff. I personally love the tea shop buns.

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