Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm better off on a Monday

"Monday Blues" is a commonly used term. But off late, I've heard it from others and myself that it is called "Tuesday Blues" and not "Monday Blues".

I'm sleepier on a Tuesday than a Monday. I’m grumpier on a Tuesday than a Monday. I’m lazier on a Tuesday than a Monday.

On Monday, the memories of the weekend are fresh in the mind and it helps you get through the day. But by the end of it, you hit reality and realize the tasks that lie ahead of you and everything else at work that can put you off.

Sometime back, I came up with this little explanation about a work-week and went around sharing it to everybody because I felt it was a great finding. But then I realized that it was a negative thought I was spreading. It goes like this:
Mondays-Monday Blues
Tuesdays-Hangover of Monday
Friday-Friday fever
Thursdays-Preparation for Friday
So, in short, Wednesday is the only day we work.

While I was sharing this, somebody told me that this was an old finding. There was a book called 'Cars' that talks about buying a car that was made on Wednesday for the same reason mentioned above.

So this is a pretty universal fact. On the contrary, I knew a person who would wait for Mondays to rush to work. When I asked him, he said its because he loves the place and so waits to get there on Monday morning.

Does that mean that those who crib about getting to work after a week end don’t like their work? This could be true to an extent. If you love your work and the people you work with, you generally don’t have too much problems getting back to work after a break. At the same time, it does not mean that all those have the "Blues" do not like their workplace.

What is the conclusion we are coming to? The Blues can happen any day. It all depends on us and our attitude. If we let things around us determine our moods, then we will be controlled by our moods. I cant get very philosophical about this even though I have some matter with me cause sometimes its really hard to be that way. All this is from my point of view. There could be a whole lot of people who are much stronger than me with a broader mindset.

So for the time being, I will stick to my theory. And when I say that Tuesday is a hangover of Monday, I come back to my first point or rather the subject of this writing. When you are emptying down bottles of alcohol, you are fine. You probably get drunk and blabber and throw up. But it’s the hangover the following morning that is difficult to handle.

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